Louis J. Curtis, President

Louis J. Curtis graduated with a Bachelor of Science (B.S.) degree in Accounting from St. Francis College in Brooklyn, New York in 1977.  He further advanced his education by graduating from Adelphi University, Garden City,  New York in 1980 having achieved his Masters in Business Administration (M.B.A.) in Finance.

Currently, Lou has achieved three certifications with the Community Associations Institute (CAI).

  • CMCA – Certified Manager of Community Associations
  • AMS – Association Management Specialist
  • PCAM – Professional Community Association Manager

Lou is part of the elite group of community association managers who have earned the Professional Community Association Manager (PCAM) designation from Community Associations Institute (CAI).  Lou Curtis is one of more than only 2,200 managers nationwide who have earned the highest level of professional recognition in the community association field.  Lou is also a Certified Mediator.

Lou has a diverse business background working in many businesses from investments, manufacturing, service, education, printing and property management throughout his career. His experience is extensive from being a CFO (Chief Financial Officer) to General Manager to an Owner.

Lou has been and continues to be President at his own Condominium Association for the past seventeen (17) years where he resides and brings the knowledge and thought process of a Board member to all the communities we manage at Homestead Management Services.  He is committed to providing the best customer service, property management, financial operation and strategic planning in the business.

Marilyn M. Curtis, Executive Vice President

Marilyn M. Curtis has over eighteen year’s extensive experience in property management. Marilyn holds her BS degree in Business Administration. She also has achieved her CMCA (Certified Manager of Community Associations) and AMS (Association Management Specialist) certifications with the Community Association Institute (CAI).

Marilyn was also the President of her homeowners Association located in Montville, New Jersey for fifteen years and also was successful in forming a Coalition of Condominium Communities in Montville so that eight communities could work with the Township in negotiating successful Municipal Reimbursement contracts.

As an early retiree of AT&T, Marilyn held both operations and sales manager positions at three major locations in New Jersey Corporate Headquarters. Her experience in negotiations and supporting million dollar contracts throughout the country and providing educational training along with documentation to over three thousand employees has made her the professional she is today. Marilyn holds many educational certificates in strong leadership, communication, writing, team building and customer service skills. Building team relationships on all matters concerning operations is Marilyn’s commitment to all clients.

Richard J. Mattalian, CMCA,AMS,PCAM

Vice President – Property Management – Central Region

Richard has been involved with property management working his way through the ranks of Senior Community Manager, General Manager, Regional Director and now as VP Property Management- Central Region  at Homestead Management Services, LLC.  He has over 15+ extensive years in our industry.  He has achieved the highest level of certification in the industry as a PCAM, a Professional Community Association Manager.  He is also a certified Mediator with CAI, Community Association Institute.  He has focused on “out of the box” assistance in the communities he has managed over the years.  He is strong communicator driving results for all the communities he is involved with at Homestead.

Leigha Stigman, CMCA

Vice President – Property Management – Northern Region

Leigha is a highly skilled and proactive property manager with over 18 years of extensive experience in multi-residential property management.  She currently is VP-Property Management for our Northern region.  She is known for her outstanding communication skills and strong commitment to achieving operational excellence, ensuring timely and responsive service.  She excels in identifying and resolving issues quickly and efficiently, demonstrating a hands-on approach to property management challenges.

Pamela Schutta, ARM

Vice President – Property Management – Western Region

Pamela has been in the property management industry for over 20+ years.  She is currently the Vice President – Property Management – Western Region.  Pamela is extremely focused on providing superior Customer Service to the Board of Trustees as well as the owners in each of the properties she oversees today.  She is well known and has a great reputation for her passion and dedication to her profession.  She provides excellent communications skills couple with her proactive approach to managing her communities.